Viswanathan Anand

Looking beyond Bharat Ratna

Looking beyond Bharat Ratna

Looking beyond Bharat Ratna We Indians are emotional beings when it comes to hero worship. Recently, we seem to have lost our sense of humor over a cartoon on Ambedkar. Are we also missing a few things while celebrating Anand's victory and the Bharat Ratna issue? Let us rewind to when Anand started playing chess. He had very little technical support, such as computers and software, while his European and Russian counterparts enjoyed advanced technical aides. India never had the kind of chess culture that Russia had, despite inventing the game. Consequently, Vishy never had strong support staff and had…
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AN UNSTOPPABLE INDIAN The word "Anand" means joy, and certainly one Anand has consistently brought joy to the Indians. Viswanathan Anand has done it again by winning the World Chess Championship crown for the fifth time overall and fourth in a row by defeating Israeli Boris Gelfand. The victory also means that the "King of Chess" will keep the crown till 2014, when the next World Championship will be held. Anand has won the World Chess Championship five times (2000, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012), and has been the undisputed World Champion since 2007. He held the World Chess Championship from…
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